Thursday, December 27, 2012

Spacegoat E.P. now online

We're pleased to announce that our debut E.P. 'Spacegoat' is now available online at Bandcamp. Donations are optional, so you can name your own price ($0 - $1000,000+ ;)) and all proceeds will go towards the recording of our full length album. If you're broke (or just tight) then sharing the link is much appreciated.
Best wishes for 2013!

Here is the link:-


Friday, September 28, 2012

Buenos dias!

Spacegoat are finally in the land of the blog! Follow us here for up-to-date news of the forthcoming E.P. release, and other future pleasantries. Over to your right there is the option to subscribe for email updates. Thanks a million for your interest!

Peace out!